Speculative Futures Berlin has been organizing talks, workshops and exhibitions around the topics of Speculative Design, Futures Thinking and Design Fiction since 2017

The Futures Initiative
2017 - today
Community Building, Community Management, Social Media Management,
Content Creation, Speaker Management, Veranstaltungsdesign, Moderation
What is Speculative Design? Book one of our futures experts to give your audience an insight.
"The best way to predict the future is to design it" - Richard Buckminster Fuller

With the new millennium, the role of design in business and society has changed significantly. Whereas previously the focus was mostly on products or the graphic design of appearances, creativity is now increasingly involved in multidisciplinary innovation processes. Since the mid-2010s, Speculative Design has established itself as a new exploratory design discipline, showing us how artifacts from possible futures unleash conversations about challenges of the present.

Speculative Futures Berlin was created to provide a place of exchange for the ever-growing community of design, art, science and technology dedicated to this topic.

Our vision is to establish SF as a practice for science and business...
The plan to establish a German community for Speculative Design and Futures Thinking already existed in 2015 when we founded our studio. With our own event space and the staffing of our first futures lab, all the prerequisites were met in 2017 to put a sustainable and scalable concept into action. Since the first Meetup with the topic "Speech Recognition & the Algorithmic Imagination", presented by Xiaochang Li, it has been our privilege to regularly welcome international personalities of speculative practice as guest speakers.
Process steps

Basic research at the Parsons School for Design in New York

Networking and exchange with international actors from theory and practice

Founding of the first community for Speculative Design outside of North America and collaboration with the three existing communities in San Francisco, Austin and New York at that time

Regular events with guest speakers from the fields of design, arts, education and research

Established a global network with now 63 chapters on 7 continents and two annual international conferences (Primer US & Primer EU) as part of the Design Futures Initiative

Teaching and guest lecturing at German universities, advocacy and representative activities, press relations & social media content creation

Ein kleines Meetups mit 14 Teilnehmenden entwickelte sich in wenigen Jahren zu einer Community mit über 2000 registrierten Mitgliedern im Berliner Chapter allein. Als Teil eines stetig wachsenden globalen Netzwerks bietet Speculative Futures Berlin eine Plattform für die gemeinschaftliche kritische, aber auch spielerische Auseinandersetzung mit Zukunftsthemen in den Bereichen Design, Kunst, Kultur, Wissenschaft, Technologie, Wirtschaft und Politik.

Die Teilnahme an unseren Veranstaltungen ist kostenlos und steht allen Interessierten offen. Aufgrund hoher Nachfrage sind die Teilnehmerzahlen unserer Live-Events in der Regel entsprechend der zur Verfügung stehenden Räumlichkeiten begrenzt. Meetups werden seit 2021 als Streams digital übertragen. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!
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